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I proudly endorse John Ellison for Nevada Senate District 19. His unwavering support for ranchers and the mining industry showcases his commitment to strengthening our community. With his deep understanding and dedication, John is the voice we need to uplift Nevada

Assembly Minority Leader
PK O'Neill

Governor Joe Lombardo_Official Photo (1).jpg

Nevadans know they can depend on John Ellison to give them a voice in Carson City. For years he has fought for the rights and interests of Nevada families and small businesses. I know that if we elect John to the State Senate, he will continue to fight tirelessly for the people of our state. John has my endorsement, and I look forward to working with him as we continue moving Nevada forward

Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo


John Ellison's steadfast commitment to conservative policies has made him an indispensable voice for rural Nevada. I wholeheartedly endorse John Ellison for his steadfast advocacy and leadership in advancing conservative ideals

Nevada State Controller Andy Matthews


Current and Former Public Servant Endorsements

Nevada Lt. Governor Stavros Anthony

Former Attorney General Adam Laxalt

Elko Mayor Reece Keener  

Elko County Sheriff  Aitor Narvaiza

Elko County Commissioner Delmo Andreozzi

Elko County Commissioner Travis Gerber

Elko City Councilman Chip Stone

Lyon County Commissioner Wes Henderson

White Pine County Clerk, Nichole Stephey

 Former Elko County Commissioner Cliff Eklund

Former Elko County Commissioner Demar Dahl

 Former Elko County Commissioner Jeff Williams


Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo 

Nevada Controller Andy Matthews

Senate Minority Leader Robin Titus

Senator Ira Hanson

Senator Jeff Stone

Assembly Minority Leader PK O'Neill

Assembly Northern Deputy Jill Dickman

Assembly Whip Rich Delong

Assemblywoman Alexis Hanson

Assemblyman Richard MacArthur

Former Senator Don Gustavson

Former Assembly Minority Leader Jim Wheeler

Former Assemblyman Erv Nelson


Law enforcement ENDORSEMENTS

association ENDORSEMENTS

Professional Fire Fighters Union 

Clark County Fire Fighters Local 1908 

Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers (NAPSO)

Nevada Peace Officers Association (NPOA)

Reno Police Protective Association

Sparks Police Protective Association

Pershing County Law Enforcement Association (PCLEA)Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada

Carson City Sheriff's Supervisory Association

Carson City Deputy Sheriff's Association

Washoe County Sheriff Supervisory Deputies Association

Washoe County Sheriff Deputies Association

Washoe County School Police Association

Douglas County Sheriff's Protective Association  



Public Safety Alliance of Nevada (PSAN)

Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA)

Las Vegas Department Of Public Safety (LVPOSA)

Las Vegas Peace Officer Supervisor Association

Las Vegas Peace Officers Association (LVPOA)

Las Vegas Police Managers & Supervisors Association

LV Police Protective Association Civilian Employees (LVPPACE)

North Las Vegas Police Officers Association 

North Las Vegas Police Supervisor's Association

Mesquite Police Officer's Association (MPOA) 

Juvenile Justice Probation officer's Association (JJPOA)

Henderson Police Supervisor's Association (HPSA)

Henderson Police Officer's Association (HPOA)

Clark County Juvenile Justice Supervisors Association (JJSA)

Police Officers Association of Clark County School District

Nevada Police Union


Henderson Chamber of Commerce

Nevada Trucking Association

Nevada Auto Dealers Association



Gil Hernandez, VFW National Legislative Vice-Chair

Paul Enos

Donna Bath, Former Ely Registrar 

Betty Jo Vonderheide

Barbara Eiche

Cami Gerber

Elizabeth Parks

Craig Kidwell, ESQ.

Denise Bradshaw, ESQ.

David Loreman, ESQ. 

Keystone Corporation

Western Way Action


Mike and Jo McDonald

Jim and Theresa DeGaffenreid

Barbara Hawn, NVGOP Party Secretary

 Bill Rodriguez, Business owner

Gus Khoury, Business owner

Patrick Lickly, Business owner

Steve Tenney, Business owner

Mike and Pam Lattin, Business owners

Pete Ormaza, Business owner

Charles Kikumoto CEO of Denver Management

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